Unique solutions for 24 hour postural management
Postural Innovations
We are a team of neurological physiotherapists providing postural assessment, manufacture of positioning aides and recommendations for bed positioning and seating.
We are a specialist provider of positioning devices which are specifically designed to help restore symmetry, reduce secondary complications and optimise function for people with a disability.
Help restore symmetry
Reduce secondary complications
Optimise function

“With careful symmetrical positioning, gravity can be used to mould the body in a beneficial way rather than distorting the body.”
Goldsmith S. The Mansfield Project: Postural care at night within a community setting – a community study. Physiotherapy 86: 528-534
Positions adopted in bed or wheelchairs can be potentially harmful and cause further disability. Postural management aims to optimise an individual’s position over a 24 hour period.
Benefits of correct positioning include:
Reducing neurological influences such as spasticity and involuntary movement
Improve skeletal alignment, preventing joint contractures and deformity
Reduce pressure injury risk
Improve internal system functioning, such as respiratory and digestive systems
Improve comfort and manage pain
Assist sleep and manage fatigue
Individually Tailored
Postural management through the use of positioning aides is not a one-size-fits-all situation. An individual assessment should be completed to ensure the right shape and size of device is used. Incorrectly fitted devices could lead to personal injury or worsening of posture. Postural Innovations have developed devices in a range of sizes to ensure the best possible fit.
For more complex presentations, we provide no obligation on-site assessments within metro Melbourne to assist in prescribing the most appropriate device for an individual’s needs. Telehealth consultations can also be arranged.
Australia wide distribution is available.
We regularly provide guidance and arrange product trials through email correspondence with a treating therapist.